Over two seasons, The Man in the High Castle has created a chilling world in which the Nazis and the Japanese Empire won World War II, and divided the rest of the world between them. Now in its third season, it looks as if a Resistance is rising, led in part by Juliana Crane, and guided by the mysterious film reels that show different outcomes to the War. The new trailer gives us glimpses of her role, of Obergruppenführer John Smith, and of the titular Man himself. It also alludes to another war brewing between the two superpowers, just before showing us an atomic bomb in the desert…but that’s not even the most frightening thing here.
Because it looks like the Reich has realized there are other multiverses out there, and they’re working on a machine that will help them conquer every last one of them.
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What do we all think of the anachronistic U2 cover? Effective, or just too much? The Man in the High Castle returns to Amazon Prime on October 5th!